
Faculty Leader (inc. Ubuntu)

Mrs A Casey – [email protected]


Ubuntu is a unique subject which was devised by staff at ND based on the traditional African ideal of “I am who I am because of others.”  The very essence of Ubuntu is that life can only be lived to the full if we are free to embrace and celebrate those around us who contribute to our welfare, and also to have respect for one’s self no matter what life throws at us.

At ND we believe that this unique subject allows our Year 7 students to learn about the school ethos and our community whilst also developing an understanding of self worth.  Our curriculum is embedded with Gospel values and the teachings of St Julie.



Our Year 7 students arrive in September after completing four years in KS2 where social and emotional aspects of learning  has been a cornerstone to everyday pastoral and learning needs.  Anti-bullying, self esteem, respect for others and places, are all aspects of this curriculum.

Our schemes of learning in Ubuntu embrace these areas of personal and community development, whilst fostering an appreciation of what it means to be a Christian and uphold Christian values.

Terms One and Two

Students learn interpersonal skills where as House classes they get to bond and unite.  Students learn about the meaning of the school mission statement, which is broken down and studied.  Year 7 also consider why ND is a special learning environment by researching our history, and taking part in faith-based activity.  Prayer and reflection are an important part of the curriculum.  Writing and speaking and listening skills are developed through discussion, role-play, debate and reflective writing and drawing.  Preparation for Harvest and Christmas liturgy takes place in these terms.  During Advent we continue to prepare as a faith community for our forthcoming celebration of Christmas.

Terms Three and Four

Classes begin to develop a group identity.  Learning through experience is a theme.  Students look at real life case studies relating to positive and negative behaviour at ND.  We problem solve and address how we learn from these kinds of activities.  Team challenges take place, and working as part of a team becomes central to the learning.  Communication skills and body language are explored in depth through role-play and visual resources.  The Ubuntu Dimension Day  provides an opportunity to consider the importance of working together as a community for the common good.  How to plan and deliver a student led assembly is also part of this term’s curriculum.

Later in term four we begin to look at more intrapersonal learning, where students are taken through many exercises to help them to develop self-esteem and confidence.  Preparation for Lent liturgy, and Easter related learning takes place in this term.

Terms Five and Six

Manners matter!  This term students learn how to be student receptionists and how to communicate using good manners and etiquette.  This term culminates in the students beginning their roles as student receptionists at the start of life as Year 8 here at ND.