Mathematics is the means of looking at the patterns that make up our world and the intricate and beautiful ways in which they are constructed and realised. Numeracy is the confidence to apply that knowledge effectively.
Mathematics contributes to the school curriculum by developing students’ abilities to:
Reason logically, algebraically, geometrically and with data
Think creatively to solve problems
Make and justify decisions
Form links between other subjects through STEM to support the needs of our ever changing world.
The subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised. Mathematics helps us to understand and change the world we live in. We aim to develop a thirst for knowledge in mathematics that allows our students to become resilient life long mathematicians and apply logistical reasoning in their world. We want students to have strong foundations in mathematics that provides the confidence needed to develop a mastery of mathematical knowledge . Empowering students to have fortitude, regardless of the outcome. Focussing on the thinking processes and not outcomes.
As Mathematics teachers we aim to:
Set high expectations for all students.
Offer varied teaching and learning activities that are engaging and motivating for all students.
Plan for the individual needs of students ensuring adaptive teaching is used appropriately.
Engage students, by making connections to real life application and careers
Ensure a smooth transition for students between Key Stages by providing a well sequenced, progressive curriculum, that meets the universal needs of mathematics and it’s spiral nature.
Explore contextual opportunities outside the curriculum to enhance students’ enjoyment of mathematics.
Embrace the magic of maths through inspiration, mystery and intrigue
By the time our students leave us they will have acquired logical abilities characteristic of a mathematicians and develop an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics, through:
Performing fundamental numeracy skills
Applying the essential mathematical skills needed in their chosen career or for entry to higher or further mathematical education
Understanding that mathematics is likely to be encountered in daily adult life
Reasoning clearly and logically, setting out a rational argument with confidence
Identifying patterns encountered in diverse situations and to extrapolate from these
Approaching any problem systematically; choosing appropriate techniques for their solution
Following logical instructions
Experiencing confidence, satisfaction and enjoyment of their mathematical abilities
Obtaining any formal mathematical qualifications needed for their chosen career
Obtaining their best possible results at KS3, KS4 and KS5
Key Stage 3
The course will recognise that mathematics is an interconnected subject in which students need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programme of study for Key Stage 3 is organised into apparently distinct domains, but students will build on key and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They will also apply their mathematical across all subjects
The programme of study builds on Key Stage 2 learning, supported by our close links to local primary schools, and provides stretch and challenge for pupils . Over Years 7, 8 and 9 we introduce new areas of study, in a differentiated manner, to ensure all pupils make progress against the mathematics national curriculum prior to KS4.
Key Stage 4
GCSE Mathematics allows you to develop your skills and understanding across Number, Algebra, Geometry, Measures, Statistics, Proportion and Probability. You will learn about the relationship between these areas of Maths and where and how they apply to real life situations.
Existing Maths knowledge will be expanded and applied to new and more in-depth challenges. You will learn to make informed mathematical assumptions and prove or disprove them yourself. Your problem-solving skills will be honed and improved; skills that are applicable and valuable in many other subjects within school and careers in the future.
The course is accredited by AQA and consists of 3 external examinations at the end of Year 11.
We strive to support pupils to achieve their fullest potential, and for some students this might be a stepping stone to GCSE such as Entry Level Certificate
Method of Assessment GCSE (9-1)
Exam Board: AQA
External Assessment 100%
Exam Structure: Examination one – non-calculator, Examination two – calculator, Examination three – calculator
Method of Assessment ELC
Exam Board: AQA
External Assessment 100%
Exam Structure: Eight small assessments across eight mathematical components
Pathways after Year 11
Mathematics GCSE is a requirement for a huge number of Post 16 courses and for all University degree level courses. It is highly valued by employers, not only for showing your numerical ability, but also to show your ability to learn new skills and processes.
Key Stage 5
We provide students with a thorough grounding in the mathematical tools and techniques often needed in the workplace. The logic and reasoning skills developed during their studies make sure the qualification is widely respected even in non-mathematical arenas.
Method of Assessment
A level Mathematics
Exam Board: AQA
External Assessment 100%
Exam Structure: Paper 1 Calculator Core Content, Paper 2 Calculator Core and Mechanics, Paper 3 Calculator Core and Statistics