St Boniface’s College has been allocated £138,550 of pupil premium funding for the academic year 2024-25.
Pupil Premium is additional funding to the main school budget and is entirely focused on improving the progress of students in receipt of free school meals, students who have a parent in the armed forces and those who are in care.
School leaders choose how best to spend this funding in an integrated way to ensure that entitled students have access to additional support to enable them to reach their potential. The budget allows students to have full access to the curriculum whilst aiming to close the gap between those who are eligible for pupil premium and those who are not.
Please click on the link below to view our 2024/25 Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation of 2023/24.
Pupil Premium is additional funding to the main school budget and is entirely focused on improving the progress of students in receipt of free school meals, students who have a parent in the armed forces and those who are in care.
School leaders choose how best to spend this funding in an integrated way to ensure that entitled students have access to additional support to enable them to reach their potential. The budget allows students to have full access to the curriculum whilst aiming to close the gap between those who are eligible for pupil premium and those who are not.
Please click on the link below to view our 2024/25 Pupil Premium Strategy and Evaluation of 2023/24.
Free School Meals
Plymouth City Council have now developed an online Free School Meals form for parents and carers to apply for free school meals in Plymouth.
Please visit their website (below) to establish whether you are eligible and apply in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. To access the application, click on How to apply then APPLY FOR FREE SCHOOL MEALS. You can also download a paper copy to either pass to the school or send in to Windsor House directly. The online form is a more secure method of applying.
If you have more than one child, you can apply for all on one form, even if they attend different schools.
For all children who qualify for free school meals, the school receives extra Pupil Premium funding.