
Faculty Leader – English

Mrs R Pearce- [email protected]



The English Department’s focus is to develop the whole child, and to equip them with the language skills which will enable them to articulate their experiences of the world, preparing them for all examination subjects, and the wider world of work and interpersonal communication. Through focusing on a range of texts and genres, we encourage students to develop their opinions, and to embrace the experience of identifying a sense of self in what we read.


Our aims are:


  • To provide a safe and positive learning atmosphere which caters for all learning needs and to motivate students to reach their full potential.

  • To acknowledge the relevance of students’ own experiences and value their individual contributions.

  • To develop confident students who are effective communicators and reflective thinkers, equipping them with skills which allow a confident participation in adult and student life.

  • To develop a love of Literature, Language and Media which encourages exploration and understanding of the world and themselves.

  • To open the students’ eyes to the possibilities in the world around them, and to equip them with the skills necessary to explore that world in full.


In KS3 (years 7-9), we embed and develop the key skills that are assessed at the end of the GCSEs, using a range of contemporary and literary canon texts. In particular, we focus on those skills involved in analytical reading and writing, creative writing, transactional writing, analysis of Media texts, and oracy. These skills are honed and reviewed across the years, with personalised feedback given to support your son’s next steps in evolving their academic voice.


In Year 7, all students will study:

  • Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  • Experiences of the sea: thematic texts

  • Changing World: non-fiction texts and poetry

  • The Modern Novel

  • Storytelling (legends from around the world)

In Year 8, all students will study: 

  • The Gothic Genre

  • Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

  • The Modern Novel

  • Relationship Poetry

  • Play Scripts: Mama Yankee, or Chaucer

  • Greek Myths

Year 9

This is a transition year in which we consolidate and extend the skills required at GCSE.


  • The Modern Novel

  • War Poetry

  • Descriptive Writing and Analysing Structure

  • Media Language and Representation

  • Relationships in Shakespeare

Key Stage 4

At GCSE,  students gain 2 GCSEs in English:  AQA GCSE English Language, and AQA English Literature. Some may also choose Media Studies as one of their option choices.  From the start of year 10, we are studying examination texts. All lessons and resources are available on your son's Google Classroom, in the event of absence, to negate any gaps in knowledge, and aid revision.

GCSE Literature texts studied

Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, or The Merchant of Venice

Nineteenth Century Novel – A Christmas Carol, or The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde

A modern play – An Inspector Calls, or Lord of the Flies

Poetry – 15 poems from an anthology collated by AQA (Power and Conflict) alongside unseen poetry



A range of non-fiction texts from the 19th century to the present day are studied in preparation for the English Language exams.