SEND Information Report

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report 2022/23
At St Boniface’s Catholic College we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. We aim to provide for all students’ needs as they arise in a caring, flexible, professional manner. We promote positive self-esteem, plan individualised curriculum pathways, support all transitions and work with parents/carers, students and external agencies to ensure students’ learning experiences are extended through partnership.

The Code of Practice (Jan 2015) states that: A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
  • have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
  • have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.
Where a child or young person has a disability or health condition which requires special educational provision to be made, they will be covered by the SEN definition. The school works in line with the Code of Practice principles in that:
  • SEND issues are addressed.
  • There is recognition of a continuum of needs and provision.
  • Students will be given the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced education.
  • Liaison with the Local Authority, Health and Social Services will take place as appropriate to the needs of the child. Supporting SEN child
Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:
  • Communication and interaction, for example, autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia, moderate and specific learning difficulties
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, processing difficulties, epilepsy.
FAQ Questions

How does the School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

At St Boniface’s Catholic College Plymouth we aim to be inclusive by working towards an ethos of quality first teaching. Teaching and learning is of a high standard and our mission is to enable all students to access a broad and balanced curriculum, to foster independent learning and to develop lifelong skills. We believe that students achieve and learn best when they feel safe, healthy, confident and happy, therefore self-esteem and personal fulfilment are key factors in success.

For students who need extra support, work is differentiated (adapted to individual learning styles) in subject departments, with advice and support from the SEND team (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities).

At St Boniface’s Catholic College we aim to secure early identification of students with additional needs and also to review and amend provision as required. There are several ways in which identification and information is shared about the additional needs of individual students.

Identification and assessment

Parents are encouraged to discuss their son’s individual needs with the Tutor or subject teachers. This may, if considered necessary, lead to a separate meeting with the SENDCo to discuss next steps.

Where students continue to make less than expected progress, despite high quality teaching

targeted at areas of need, the SEND Department will assess whether a student has a significant learning disability. We accept the principle that early identification and assessment is vital to support the progress of all students.

We use a number of indicators and methods to do this:

  • The analysis of information, including entry profiles, reading ages, and student assessments.
  • Parental concerns and experience.
  • Referrals from key members of staff to identify areas of concern.
  • Tracking individual student progress over time in academic subjects.
  • Communication with feeder schools before transfer.
  • Information from previous schools.
  • Information from other services including specialist assessment and professional advice.
  • The student’s own views.

The SEND team maintains a list of students identified through these procedures. This list is reviewed on an ongoing basis. A detailed analysis of the list takes place termly.

This will happen using the following tools:

  • Through Transition meetings held at our local feeder primary schools before students commence at St Boniface’s Catholic College.
  • Parents and Year 6 students attending a transition evening where families are able to meet the Tutor, Head of House and the SEND team.
  • By all Year 7 being assessed in Literacy & Numeracy at the beginning of the year they start. At other times, there are individual assessments if the young person arrives mid-year.
  • By monitoring of effective tracking by Heads of Houses & the SEND team.
  • Parental visits and tours of the School and the SEND Department throughout the academic year.

How will School staff support my child?

At St Boniface’s Catholic College there are numerous ways in which students with additional needs are supported:

  • Setting aspirational targets so that all our learners with additional needs achieve the very best, with continuous review of their progress through tracking, academic mentoring and regular meetings.
  • Subject staff are all teachers of students with additional needs and it is their responsibility to meet the needs of all the students in their class, through differentiation, teaching styles, resources, organisation and identifying when a student may require some additional support. Even if they are not receiving a specific intervention or provision that is outside of the normal classroom – students with additional needs will still have a Student Passport – detailing their challenges and how they can best be supported by the teacher in lesson. These students are listed as M codes.
  • The students themselves will be involved in the discussion of and setting up of their passports.
  • Whole School monitoring of literacy and numeracy.
  • The classroom teacher will take responsibility for the daily provision for students and will be supported and advised by Tutors, Heads of Year, SEND Department and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) where necessary. The teacher or Tutor will discuss with the SEND Department and parents any support that they think is needed, that is additional and different to what would normally be offered to students as part of usual practice.
  • There is support for students with additional needs who may transfer mid-year including individual meetings, tours, information transfer from previous school/college and personalised timetables.
  • The SEND Department staff have a range of interventions which can be discussed with the SENCO. These interventions are in class, with a small group or on an individual basis. Students who are in receipt of an intervention that is outside of the normal classroom support will be listed as K code – for SEN support.

The aim of the SEND Learning For Life room, is to support all students with additional needs. Our Inclusion agenda aims to increase participation of each student enabling them to receive an education that will provide the foundation for future success. To ensure this happens the School has an inclusive culture, which is secure, accepting, collaborating and stimulating where everyone is valued.

We will expect to support a diverse range of students and will provide a differentiated curriculum which will be adapted to suit individual learning styles, to facilitate successful learning.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Quality first teaching in the classroom which includes adjusted plans and resources for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who may have additional needs. This will enable all students to access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.

If a student is not making the expected progress and has specific gaps in their understanding he/she may work within a smaller group. These groups, also called intervention groups, may be:

  • Within the classroom or the SEND department including a range of numeracy, literacy and social skills interventions
  • Delivered by trained HLTAS and teaching assistants within a subject area
  • Delivered by a specialist from an external agency
  • Delivered within a specific curriculum group for those with identified additional learning needs
Further specific support may also be provided through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This means the student will have been identified & assessed as needing a particularly high level of individual or small group teaching.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

St Boniface’s Catholic College sees it as a priority to maintain effective communication with Parents/Carers. Tutors, Heads of Years, the SEND Department team and SLT are all involved in ensuring effective and regular communication regarding a student’s progress and welfare. There are many ways in which learners with additional needs are supported, including:

  • Three data assessment points per year (Progress Reviews) and reporting system;
  • Parent “Information, Advice & Guidance” evenings
  • SEND parent forums on a termly basis
  • Outside services involved with some students provided with reports and information about attainment and expected progress for health based needs, such as speech and language or physical development; if a student is identified as needing an Education, Health & Care Plan (E) to support their education, parents will be involved in helping the School to create this through a plan, do, review process. This will be followed by reviewing “next steps” & targets at regular intervals, usually three times a year in light of their Progress Review.
  • annual reviews for students with Education, Health & Care Plan (E).
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We offer a range of support and successful interventions including:

  • Tutor support
  • Heads of Year guidance and monitoring
  • Pastoral/academic mentors/ tutor group ‘buddies’
  • SEND Team interventions
  • Outside services e.g. Speech and Language Therapy.
  • Proactive use of the EHAT (Early Help Assessment Tool)
  • Attendance officer support and guidance
  • Careers advisor (Careers South West)
  • A recognition of academic progress, positive behaviours and achievement through a system of rewards.
Trained first aiders are available from Reception. If a student requires medication to be administered in School then you are asked to provide details of this by filling in and signing a form.

The School nurse is available for advice. If a student has specific medical needs (eg diabetes) there will need to be an Individual Health Plan to ensure appropriate support & recognition of needs.

The SEND Department also has break and lunch time clubs to support homework & building students’ self-esteem. There is also an offer extended for students to have support in their homework after school from Tuesday to Friday.

What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by St Boniface’s Catholic College?

Our SENDCo is a qualified Music and Drama teacher and has 5 years experience in the SENDCo role. Alongside his teaching qualifications, the SENDCo holds the National Award for SEND Coordination.

We have a varied range of specialist staff in our SEND Department, covering many speech, language, ASC, and emotional needs. There are also a range of services that work within the School. These include:

  • The Educational Psychology Service
  • The Communication & Interaction Team
  • The Educational Welfare Service (EWO)
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Occupational Therapist
  • The Youth Service
  • Parent Advice and Guidance (PIAS)
  • VI / HI support team.

What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had, or are having?

We have a rolling programme of training and support for staff based on the needs of the students within the School. Staff are sent on individualised training if they are supporting a student with a more specific need, such as those with auditory or visual impairment. Staff have had training in the following:

  • Phonics
  • ASC
  • CAMHS and Mental Health First Aid training
  • Visual Impairment
  • Attachment disorders.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including School Trips?

St Boniface’s Catholic College believes in the importance of ALL students accessing ALL opportunities within and outside of school and so reasonable adjustments are made for full inclusivity Risk assessments are carried out for School visits including residential trips and reasonable adjustments will be made where required. Where needed, the risk assessment will include a meeting with parent/carers as well as taking account of any medical advice.

When choosing the destination of these trips we will take into account the needs of all students.

On some occasions a member of staff may be assigned to support a small group or individual child if the risk assessment indicates that this is necessary.

There is also the opportunity for the students to take part in a sports club specifically for students with an SEND and is run by a member of the SEND team.

How accessible is the School environment?

The School is aware of the access needs of disabled children on roll, and adaptations to the school are made accordingly.

For more information please see the school’s Accessibility policy and Disability & Equality Policy

How will St Boniface’s Catholic College prepare and support my child to join the School, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

We recognise that transitions for a student with additional needs will need careful planning and take steps to ensure that any transition is coordinated as smoothly as possible

If a student is moving to another school in year or post 16:

  • We will contact the school SENDCo and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for the student.
  • We will make sure that all records about the student are passed on as soon as possible.
  • Careers information, advice and guidance (CSW), careers conventions, and support will be available and accessible during both key stages to inform option choices, career paths and post 16 choices.
  • The SENDCo may arrange additional visits for students identified as having SEND and additional meetings will be arranged with parents and any other services who have been involved with the student (e.g. Communication and interaction team)
  • Students with an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) will have an enhanced transition program personalised to their needs. Transition starts as soon as we know the student is joining or leaving. Communication between all parties is vital in ensuring as much information as possible is shared between the student, parents and staff from both schools.

In Year 6:

The Year 6 teacher and/or SENCO will discuss the specific needs of the student with the SENCO at St Boniface’s Catholic College
The student will have focused learning about aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead.
  • Where possible the student will visit their new school on several occasions, and in some cases, staff from the new school will visit your child in their current school (enhanced transition). These visits will involve observations of the student both in the classroom and a less structured environment e.g. break time
  • Students with an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) will have a personalised transition program as well as accessing the main transition in place for all students joining the School in Year 7.
  • Transition starts as early as possible in order to make the students as prepared as possible for September. Communication between all parties is vital in ensuring as much information as possible is shared between the student, parents and staff from both schools.
  • In some cases transitions begin in year 5 to support the needs of students.
A range of methods, suitable for your child, may be used to support them at the time of transition. For example, if your child would be helped by a book/social story to support them to understand moving on, it will be provided for them.

How are the School’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

The School budget includes money for supporting pupils with SEN. The School will use its SEND funding in the most appropriate way to support the student. This support may include some individual or small group Learning Assistant support, but this will be monitored through the young persons’ Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). The funding may be used to put in place a range of support strategies depending on the needs of the student. SEND funding may also be used to purchase specialist equipment or support from other specialist support services etc.

Preparing students for Adulthood

Students in the Learning Support Base have access to:


  • A calm low stimulus environment.
  • Interactive and visual aids to support learning.
  • Individual work space.
  • ICT access.
  • Opportunities for talk time
  • Homework club.
  • Break / lunch club.
  • Key adult support
  • Adapted Extra curricular activities.


  • Full access to mainstream curriculum subjects.
  • Curriculum adapted to meet student’s individual needs.
  • Additional support for social skills and emotional literacy.
  • Additional support offered for literacy and numeracy.
  • Strategies and encouragement to promote independent learning.
  • Opportunity to access and participate in main school lessons.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

Once a potential additional need is identified a cycle of assess, plan, do and review will be put in place. These actions form part of a process through which decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the student’s needs, and of what supports the student in making good progress and securing good outcomes.

If it is agreed to make a proposal for an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) then application will be made to Plymouth, Devon or Cornwall LA, depending on home address. This may involve requesting additional funding above that allocated to the School directly.

How are parents and carers involved in the School? How can I be involved?

It is our aim that St Boniface’s Catholic College works in close partnership with parents/carers and maintains regular and purposeful communication.

This includes:

  • SEND Parent / Carer forums with visits from external professionals
  • Access to email addresses to SEND and teachers where necessary
  • Regular Progress reviews, Parents evenings & Plan reviews
  • Regular review of SEND plans with parental input.

Can I access support as a parent with meetings and organising intervention for my child?

Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) provides information, advice and support relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people within the Plymouth Local Authority area.

PIAS provides parents, carers of children and young people with SEND and also the children and young people independently with:

  • support at meetings
  • support around education and training issues.

Please follow the link below for more information or to contact PIAS :

What is the Local Offer?

As the Children and Families Bill became law in 2014, local authorities were required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs, aged 0-25. This is the “Local Offer”.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for professionals in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. A further key role for the Local Offer will be to inform the joint commissioning for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities by setting out in a single place what is available locally.

Please click the link below to access the local offer:

Who can I contact for further information?

Subject Teacher
Subject Leader
Head of Year

SENDCo: Duncan Ousey ([email protected])
Inclusion Manager: Sharon Pearce ([email protected])
Assistant Head: Ann Morgan ([email protected])
SEND Strategic Advice and Support (SEND SAS)

Windsor House

Telephone: 01752 260256

Devon 0 – 25 Team
Room L102
County Hall
Topsham Road

Telephone: 03451551091

Email: [email protected]

The Assessment and Education Provision
Inny Building
Cornwall Council
Old County Hall

Telephone: 01872 322406
Email: [email protected]

If you are considering applying for a place at St Boniface’s Catholic College and your child has special educational needs or a disability, then the first action to take is to phone the School and arrange an initial visit with the SENDCo.

This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change. All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer.

An invite for feedback

This offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information.

If you would like to comment on the content of the offer, or make suggestions to improve the information, please email [email protected]