Pastoral Care

We see pastoral care as integral to our success and that which makes St Boniface’s such a caring community, having a sense of belonging fostered through working alongside stakeholders both within and outside the College.

Each year group is split into tutor groups and Form Tutors are the first point of contact at the College and will deal with the majority of questions or concerns that may arise. For more serious issues, the Head of Year is there to support you and your son both in terms of his academic progress and for any major pastoral issues that may arise. Please get in touch with your son’s Form Tutor or Head of Year either by phone, e-mail or letter. The tutor should be kept informed about illness, absence, dental or medical appointments, or any change in home circumstances.

Your son will spend 20 minutes each day with their tutor group. During this time, pupils will meet with their Form Tutor. A daily ‘Uniform and Equipment’ check is carried out to ensure the highest of standards are maintained. An act of worshiping the form of a prayer also takes place at this time of the day and your son will have at least one assembly each week with a Senior Member of staff. The Form Tutor also focuses on the tracking and monitoring of pupils’ academic progress through individual meetings, supporting the work of the Head of Year. The tutor will also address any absence concerns.

In order to maintain these high standards for our students, we maintain a flexible approach to form groups and reserve the right, if it is considered in the best interests of students, to facilitate movement between the different groups.

Role of Form Tutor

First port of call for parents

Day to day care and support

The parent in the school

Role of Head of Year

Oversight of year groups

Liaise with outside agencies

Coordinate assemblies

Plan and lead activities to share in common values linked to our ethos.

Our Rewards System

Our rewards system is based on the four Catholic Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude, which our curriculum and college ethos is hinged upon.

Students receive praise points as a rewards for demonstrating honour, integrity or service through one of the virtues. Praise points can be ‘cashed in’ and transferred into rewards which can be anything from a cookie from the canteen to other items such as pencil cases or reusable drinks bottles.

We also encourage our staff to write praise postcards to be sent home so that parents and carers can see how well their son is developing into a well rounded individual.

Please see the attached poster for the definitions of each virtue and an example of how to achieve a praise point for each.